Page Mill Road travels from Skyline Boulevard to Highway 101. It is a major throughfare for the Northern end of Santa Clara County.  When other highways to and from the coast become congested or blocked by accidents or weather-related issues Page Mill Road is the only alternative in the area.

Page Mill Road is also the northern most Fuel Break in the County. Its location is a key component in the Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP). The lower portions of Page Mill have all been recently maintained and are currently in good condition. The top .6 miles is in Santa Clara County Unincorporated and has not been maintained in 3-4 years.

Justification for the project:

Page Mill Road runs through many jurisdictions; City of Palo Alto, Los Altos Hills County Fire District, San Mateo unincorporated and Santa Clara County unincorporated to name a few.  For that reason, the responsibility of maintaining the roadway is sometimes very complex and disjointed.  The Santa Clara County Fire Safe Council has shouldered the bulk of maintenance along this roadway, from Highway 280 to Skyline boulevard for years, with help from all of the partners mentioned above.  However, the top .6 miles of roadway has not been maintained for several years for one reason or another.  The roadway has a considerable amount of vegetation choking it.  The heavy winter we experienced in 2023 has left a large amount of downfall resulting in a heavy fuel load along the route.