Project site:
This evacuation route project will treat six roads. They are Robleda Road, Chapin Road, Fremont Road, W. Edith Avenue, Burke Road and Old Altos Road. A total of 5.86 miles of roadside vegetation management will be treated when accounting for both sides of the roadway.
Right of Entry Permit (ROE) due back date: November 6, 2023
Goals for this project:
The immediate goal of this project is to make the roadway a safer evacuation route in an emergency or wildfire. The broader goals are to enhance fire resiliency by reducing ladder fuels and invasive plant species, and to improve roadside hardening along evacuation routes, which are significant benefits to the community and make District residents safer. This project enhances regional efforts to improve Santa Clara County’s evacuation route and shaded fuel break system. It also provides opportunities to protect or manage watersheds from future wildfires. Additionally, by reducing competition for light and water in the understory plants, shrubs, and young trees, and by treating hazardous trees when feasible, this creates a healthier forest and woodland for the benefit of the environment.
Submission Instructions – Ways to confirm your participation:
Participation is voluntary; please follow the steps below to join this project.
- Fill out, sign, and submit the enclosed Right of Entry Permit (ROE) by November 6, 2023.
- Complete, sign, and mail the paper copy of the ROE, using the self-addressed, stamped envelope, also enclosed to:
Santa Clara County FireSafe Council
Attn: Robleda-Burke Evacuation Route
14380 Saratoga Avenue
Saratoga, CA 95070-5953
- Download an electronic copy of the ROE, sign via certified electronic signature, which includes time and date stamp, and return via email to
- If you request, a representative will be available to meet with you at a mutually convenient time to identify and explain the removal of the brush, grasses, tree limbs, and vegetation hazards on your property.
- You will be notified when project work will begin in the vicinity of your property.
- Check for Project description and updates.