Project Overview and Details

Loma Chiquita Road traverses a large watershed, Llagas Creek, and makes an effective escape route in an area with a history of large, fast-moving wildfires. Due to the steep grades and tight turns, emergency response to the remote community historically has been very slow. Several recent home fires have resulted in structures being fully engulfed before firefighters arrive, with flames reaching adjacent vegetation and starting wildland fires. The reality is that many of the homes will not be defended during a wildfire, and residents will need to rapidly evacuate to prevent fatalities. Auto egress needs to pass first responders on ingress. This roadside fuel break is part of CAL FIRE’s pre-fire plan, and part of a network of ridgeline fuel breaks in the surrounding watershed, Llagas Creek.

For this project, we will be conducting roadside vegetation management work in the public “right of way” to reduce the amount of hazardous vegetation, such as brush, grasses, tree limbs, as well as dead, dying, and diseased vegetation. Approximately 15 to 30 feet from the edge of the road will be cleaned up and trimmed, but not fully cleared. Leaf litter, brush, the lower limbs of trees known as “ladder fuels”, and dead or fallen trees will be chipped. The result will be a roadside buffer which increases the safety area for traveling along the road in the event of a wildfire evacuation. Tall shade trees known as “over story trees” will remain to provide shade and keep the area cool, which helps prevent fire from spreading quickly. Hazardous trees that are leaning or pose a potential danger of falling into the roadway will be assessed for removal.


The SCCFSC is tentatively scheduling to begin the project in Fall of 2024

The project duration will depend on several factors including availability of contractors and partners.


This escape route project will be executed in one phase. It will start at the intersection of Loma Chiquita Road and Loma Prieta Road (37°06’19.4″N 121°50’53.2″W) and continue for approximately 3 miles, ending at the intersection of Loma Chiquita Road and Twin Creeks Road (37°06’07.6″N 121°47’54.7″W).

Right of Entry Permit (ROE) due back date: TBA

Submission Instructions – Ways to confirm your participation:

Participation is voluntary; please follow the steps below to join this project.

  1. Fill out, sign, and submit the enclosed Right of Entry Permit (ROE) by TBA.
    • Complete, sign, and mail the paper copy of the ROE, using the self-addressed, stamped envelope, also enclosed to:
      Santa Clara County FireSafe Council
      Attn: Loma Chiquita Escape Route
      14380 Saratoga Avenue
      Saratoga, CA 95070-5953



    • Download an electronic copy of the ROE, sign via certified electronic signature, which includes time and date stamp, and return via email to Jim Young at
  1. You will be notified when project work will begin in the vicinity of your property.