Arastradero Road in Los Altos Hills, California, represents a significant thoroughfare for the Los Altos Hills Community in the case of catastrophic wildfire. From the intersection of Page Mill Road at Interstate 280 to the intersection of Arastradero Road and Old Adobe Road, this road provides an alternative egress that crosses under Interstate 280 granting access to Foothill Expressway. This portion of the roadway received roadside treatment of fuel in the fall of 2022 and needs maintenance.

The Los Trancos neighborhood in Portola Valley is within the Los Altos Hills County Fire District. This small enclave of homes along Alpine Road connects to Arastradero Road. As a point of clarification, there are two Alpine Roads that parallel each other in this area. The homes are on the smaller residential road that is east of Los Trancos Creek and the more significant thoroughfare. From the intersection of Alpine Road and Arastradero Road, evacuees may connect to the larger Alpine Road for access to Interstate 280 or travel east on Arastradero Road through the City of Palo Alto to get to Page Mill Road, a previously hardened evacuation route.

The portion of Arastradero Road that lies within the City of Palo Alto provides important connectivity between the Los Trancos neighborhood and the previously hardened Page Mill Road Evacuation Route and Los Altos Hills Arastradero Road Evacuation Route. The City of Palo Alto has plans to address this section of Arastradero Road. This scope of work addresses only the two portions of Arastradero Road within the District’s jurisdiction.  They are not contiguous.

To secure egress for all people along this evacuation route in the event of wildfire, the Los Altos Hills County Fire District (District) and Santa Clara County Firesafe Council (SCCFSC) propose a roadside treatment of hazardous fuels.

Project Dates:

  • Start Date – Monday, October 21st, 2024

Project site:

This evacuation route project intends to treat all or portions Arastradero Road within the Los Altos Hills County Fire District, including Los Altos Hills, and Portola Valley.

Phase 1: Arastradero Road in Los Altos Hills, starting at the intersection of Page Mill Road at Interstate 280 extents southeast to the Los Altos Hills County Fire District boundary near the intersection of Arastradero Road and Old Adobe Road, approximately 37°23’43.5″N 122°08’29.3″W. For a linear distance of 1.62 miles.

Phase 2: Arastradero Road in Portola Valley extends south from Alpine Road to the LAHCFD boundary at approximately 37°23’05.7″N 122°11’16.8″W. For an approximate linear distance of 0.34 miles.

**Phase 1&2: The total length of roadway in the LAHCFD project area is approximately 1.96 linear miles.**